Pardon the digital dust!! This site is being thrown together to provide a central location for illustrations of Austins proposed Land Development Code Re-Write, formerly "CodeNEXT".
We'll post all of our modeled scenarios and brief descriptions here. You can download them and distribute them as you see fit. All we ask is that you let us know if you have any questions about how they work, as we want to ensure that they're as accurate and realistic as is humanly possible.
Let's start with the most common zoning districts that are mapped all over Austin neighborhoods. Our SF-2 and SF-3 lots have primarily been mapped as R2A and R2B, which are consistently described by staff and politicians as offering little or no change from the existing zoning entitlements. Turns out, that's not even close to true, as the FAR (Floor Area Ratio, or ratio of Gross Floor Area/Lot Area) is dramatically increased. Height, setbacks and unit counts (up to 3 units per lot are permitted with R2A or R2B zoning) are also relaxed.
A consistent theme you'll see here and in my social media posts is that Size Matters. Homes are sold by the square foot, and bigger homes are always more expensive than smaller homes in the same context. Since this code is being promoted as a solution to Austin's affordability crisis, it seems odd that the code is designed to create massive new dwelling units that dwarf the housing stock they'll replace.
Here's a site plan with breakdown of impervious cover, FAR, setbacks, etc.:
And here's an elevation showing how the height works with the new code standards. Note the height of the existing home in the foreground.
We'll post all of our modeled scenarios and brief descriptions here. You can download them and distribute them as you see fit. All we ask is that you let us know if you have any questions about how they work, as we want to ensure that they're as accurate and realistic as is humanly possible.
Let's start with the most common zoning districts that are mapped all over Austin neighborhoods. Our SF-2 and SF-3 lots have primarily been mapped as R2A and R2B, which are consistently described by staff and politicians as offering little or no change from the existing zoning entitlements. Turns out, that's not even close to true, as the FAR (Floor Area Ratio, or ratio of Gross Floor Area/Lot Area) is dramatically increased. Height, setbacks and unit counts (up to 3 units per lot are permitted with R2A or R2B zoning) are also relaxed.
A consistent theme you'll see here and in my social media posts is that Size Matters. Homes are sold by the square foot, and bigger homes are always more expensive than smaller homes in the same context. Since this code is being promoted as a solution to Austin's affordability crisis, it seems odd that the code is designed to create massive new dwelling units that dwarf the housing stock they'll replace.
Here's a site plan with breakdown of impervious cover, FAR, setbacks, etc.:
And here's an elevation showing how the height works with the new code standards. Note the height of the existing home in the foreground.